Sunday, March 4, 2012

What's coming up

Things are very busy here in Japan as I finish up my last month of teaching classes and training teachers before moving back to Canada. 

But, I'm putting together some excellent content for learning English. If you have any comments, questions or suggestions please leave me a comment or send an email.

There will be:
  • Hot off the Press articles to practice reading and staying up to date with current events
  • Say what? dictations to practice listening
  • Earworms songs to practice vocabulary, singing and maybe some dancing??
  • Whoops! common mistakes to be aware of
  • Culture File cultural topics to take your language understanding deeper
  • Watch it videos to watch and learn from 

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Stay tuned!

Soon there will be lots to read and do on this blog. 

Please be patient and stay tuned!